The main purpose of the company Mexican Silicates is the exploitation of mineral deposits, the processing and commercialization of industrial minerals such as feldspathic sands, siliceous sands of different physical / chemical characteristics and thanks to the use of own technology, it is also dedicated to valorize secondary raw material or industrial waste “PRE-CONSUMER”.

In 2003, the company was created to initiate two initiatives in the Mexican territory in a parallel manner, the first being an investigation of mining deposits in the State of Puebla (Zacatlan), which is known in Mexico as the main center for the exploitation of the feldspar mineral that culminates in the joint venture with the owner of the land of the company Feldmex SA of C.V. where Mexican Silicates participates in a minority way, however, it installs the own machinery for the wet treatment of feldspar with the technology of the Group, the second is the construction and start-up of the grinding plant in the State of Tlaxcala that enters into operations at the middle of year 2005 where the peculiarity of the same is that being built inside an important client the dedicated space is 1,500 m2 same that rende almost unique the plant for relationship between built space / tons produced.

In 2007, after only 2 years of operations thanks to the confidence provided by the Mexican market on one side and new ideas concretized on the other, the company acquires an area of ​​15,000 m2 adjacent to the plant in operations in Tlaxcala in order to grow and offer new products. services, this occurs in parallel to the acquisition in Zacatlan of a mine of its own called Segunda Chivería, which enters into operations the following year.

The latest initiative of Mexican Silicates takes shape in 2012 where a business idea is transformed into a ambitious Ecological and Social project studied meticulously in all its details,society was born Ecominerali Mexicana S.A. of C.V. in “joint venture” with a businessman from the
north of the Mexican republic.

Mexican Silicates thanks to the impulse and confidence of the Italian corporate started since 2013 in offering the technology owned by the Group, and some services to the market in general being able to know more in detail all the proposed services: Corporate Minerali.

Click on the figure to see Diagram.


Mexican Silicates is a national supplier of industrial minerals used in the manufacture of bathroom furniture, tile floors, glass, enamels and similar sectors, which works daily seeking to satisfy the needs of a global market, with policies where suppliers and customers are “Partners of Business ”achieving goals through joint synergies.


The vision of Mexican Silicates, supported by the parent company “Minerali Industriali”, is to be a company that lives in the present looking to the future, always having innovative ideas, concretizing them in medium and long-term business projects that they can give to their new clients. products and concepts, to its collaborators a professional and personal growth, leaving the environment in better conditions than it was found.



  • Comply with the corresponding legislation in Health, Safety and Environment.
  • Preserve the health and integrity of the people who work in the organization and of everyone on site, avoid environmental impact and the environment through preventive actions.
  • Ensure our good environmental, safety, and health performance occupational; with the involvement of all collaborators.
  • Reduce and / or control the risks to our facilities, people and the environment related to our processes, under the commitment of continuous improvement and the use of industrial waste from our clients through reuse.


Mexican Silicates is a flexible company that is dedicated to the treatment of industrial minerals, using its own technology to elaborate products required in the market that, together with our clients, can be considered tailor-made, based on: national products, experience, work as a team and continuous improvement of processes, following international norms and standards that guarantee product quality.